Prophetic Republicanism:The American Civil Religion and Its Rivals
主讲人:菲利普.高茨基(Philip Gorski)
主持人:刘军 社会学系主任
地点:基础实验楼 经济管理学院3楼多功能厅
菲利普 • 高茨基,耶鲁大学国际研究、宗教研究和社会学教授,耶鲁大学社会学系比较研究中心主任和宗教与政治研究会召集人,曾分别担任美国社会学会理论分会和比较历史社会学分会主席。在1990年代因研究早期现代欧洲的新教与国家建设而享誉美国社会学界,近来主要研究世俗化与现代性、美国的公民宗教以及社会科学哲学与方法论。主要著作包括《纪律的革命:加尔文宗与早期现代欧洲国家的兴起》,《再论新教伦理》,《先知性的共和主义:从温斯罗普到奥巴马的公民宗教》(即出),并编著有《马克斯•韦伯的<经济与社会>:评论指针》(上海三联2010年中译),《布尔迪厄与历史分析》,《后世俗化考问:当代社会中的宗教》。
Citizens of other countries often find the prominent role of religion in American politics rather puzzling, all the more so because the place of religion in public life is hotly contested within the United States. Some argue that America is a “Christian nation.” Others insist that it is founded on “the separation of church and state.” Who is right? Both and neither, argues Prof. Gorski in this lecture. The history of America’s religio-politics, he says, is best conceived as an ongoing dialogue between three rival traditions: religious nationalism, liberal secularism, and civil religion. In this lecture, Gorski outlines the underlying assumptions of each tradition, shows how they have evolved over time, and uses them to interpret the 2012 Presidential campaigns of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.